What is your Worth?
This 8-month group offering supports your understanding of YOU, and examines the self as perceived by you when looking at each of the following topics. We will take one per month, each building upon the next:
Month 1: An overview of ideas of the self and value. What does value mean to you? How do you measure it? Can you measure it?
Month 2: Next we look at the body - how do you value and care for your body?
Month 3: Next is lineage - how were you taught to value yourself by your family, how were you taught to measure your value?
Month 4: Then there is your relationship with money & resources. Are you more or less valuable because of money? Is money a source of meaning in your life, and if so, what is that meaning? Are you willing to ask for help? Who is your community?
Month 5: Intimacy & Relationship. Are you defined by others perception of you? Who are in the face of truth telling?
Month 6: Conflict. Who are you in disagreement? Do you loose your value in wrongness or rightness?
Month 7: Woman. Do you value being a woman? What does woman mean to you?
Month 8: Relationship to yourself, your power and your purpose. Who are you truly? What have you learned? What practices are required to remember?
This class meets twice a month. The first class introduces the topic, there is teaching discussion and a project for introspection. Homework is given and on the second meeting of the month we review, do writing practices, together, have discussion and time to embody this new relationship with you.
$122 per/month