When love is true.

There is something magical about pausing to reflect on life.

And, since just before the solstice I have done just that – taken in the bounty of this last year of days. I like the solstice because it feels to me like the natural completion of one cycle moving into the next and the feeling, the energy of that deep darkness is so potent, especially as the magic of the holidays moves its alchemy through – however it brings.

What I noticed is a deep shedding of old and a remembrance of what’s always true. The deep, rich, goodness of Me sometimes forgotten, yet always true. When I engage in the struggles, there is a falling away of old ideas of hopelessness, and in the face of that reality a realization of truth and an ability to be with that. Noticing that in those realities I begin to know and see me. That I have ability there beyond the projection of what my mind thought. And the opportunity to clear old grief and open to an awakening of present time. Again and again. Being with the parts that freeze in life’s challenges, learning to hold them. Turning toward slow. Learning and listening well beyond. Building a foundation of body and practice. Understanding generosity.

More willing to engage

Like a plant stretching toward the sun.

A willingness to be with and see the opportunities presenting that I didn’t know, I knew how to be.

There is so much life here. Opening.

Way beyond my mind’s conception. I commit to that this year. Trusting. Opening. Thriving.

Knowing that I am coming into me.

Teach me.

Messages from my Garden

From My Garden

From seemingly nothing comes bounty. Awakening potential within me. Over a year ago, I decided to learn how to compost. Slowly gathering food scraps, scavenging leaves and grass - I wondered whether it was possible to have enough leaves and grass - would I do it right? I went out. Met more neighbors - collected their leaves. Learned more. My parents drop their food remains. I’m connected to more people. It’s fun. Time passes. Summers pass. I learn to move the remains. Bring air in. Bring water in. There was even a snake! And that was okay too. So many lessons. And then in time, I receive my first soil. Sharing with all those who participated and some new. We have a little system now. A connected collective. Leaves now easily given. Grass cutters with grass at the ready. I’m learning life’s bounty here, supporting me when I step in.

As this year’s tulip bulbs are happily snuggled into rich, dark, nourishing compost soil. I realize the potency of the unknown. Though my mind may say something from nothing, potential and possibility are ever present.

It comes from within.

Running on the treadmill, I watch the seconds hoping that this will end soon. It’s been so long since I ran. And my mind feels it. Prefers rest. I cover the dash with my sweater and turn within. Feel into my body. The movement of my legs, my hips, my breath. The bouncing of my body. She feels free. Alive. Strong within me. She wants to run. Faster. To just move and be free. All letting go. It feels good. The sweat dripping. Heart racing. Breath taking in more life. This is a body. Clarity. Vision. Ease. She wants more. No measurement, force or restriction required. She simply wants. She simply knows.

And I intend to feed her, feel her, enjoy her, allow her to guide me this year!

Letting the mind go. This is body time.

What does yours say to you?

Body Wisdom

Writing & Reflection

How was your year?

What were the ups and downs?

What did you learn about yourself?

What are the qualities of you that stand no matter what?

Who are you learning your are?

What more will you see in 2023?

Sit with it and reflect.

Happy New Year!