My Life

The path of my 52 years of life has brought me on many adventures and taught me many things.

It has carved many teachings and opened many unexpected possibilities. There is a flow.

Growing up in New Orleans I learned a deep magical flow and an ability to dance and celebrate life. When I moved to Birmingham at 16, I learned the heartache of grief and the impact of unpredictability in my young, well-planned life.

My heads-down working in law and New York law firms taught me the value of detail and dedication and beauty of a stretch beyond the person I thought I was. In a big city of possibility, I created so much material pleasure, and experienced the magic of connection - the beauty of creation.

There too, the heartaches of the loss of things, of love, of status, of deep inner truths which turned me to look at the pain of healing all the way back to childhood. I learned I needed people and support in order to see the deep alchemy that is possible in working in the deep downs of grief and seeing the shadow - strengthening the woman within, understanding my soul, caring for my body.

The sunshine of L.A. and northern California filled me with the joy and community I needed to rest and return to Birmingham - where I now rest my soul to whole. Learning to feel the pain, the joy - life. To move with Her. Clearing the pathway of my voice and full expression as I have been and continue to be taught to move fully with life.

Finding self-love and appreciation as I go, possibility is limitless. There is great power and center in the knowing of the value of me and my sacred journey. My kindness. My beauty. The shape of me. My creativity as well as the support of my intellect. An appreciation for each step that has been and for the ones to come. This has been my path, and I am in service to this opening, this deep knowing within Me.