My Lineage
My soul song sings of many, many lifetimes. Of priestess, old wise woman. My soul carries the joy of adventure, of possibility, of the magic of life and the deep alchemy of understanding coupled with forgiveness.
The women of my line hail from the southern United States. The gulf coast to be exact. New Orleans, Louisiana and Mon Luis Island, Alabama - before then, from Africa, from Ireland, France, Native America and Asia. Women of great beauty, magic and power. There, a great line of kindness, heart and caring. A knowledge of the power of softness. The truth told well. The power of the beauty to change. The magic of dance, of food and of song. They are the foundation of what I know to be woman, and from there I grow.
I carry the lineage of a well-honed negotiator. Working meticulously in large New York law firms through complex details bringing them to well-reasoned, agreed upon synergies.
Eight years ago now, life called me to expand upon my feminine side – who I am as a woman, my sexual expression, connection with the greater natural forces of birth and death, destruction and creativity. To let go of control and allow life in. To feel my heart, open my voice, reconnect with my body. To move from managing ideas of who I was to who I am actually. Which is so much more. And, I began my study of the feminine by joining OneTaste. There I began a deep deconstruction. Grieving and letting go while realigning to a deeper call within. I did this through many modalities: writing, sharing, ritual, connection with nature, connection with my desire, my body and through the practice of orgasmic meditation. These practices reset something deep in my system which allowed me to begin to understand the profound impact of aligning a life to the deep true self within me. I am a Master Certified Coach & Orgasmic Meditation teacher (2019). And, I continue to practice. I am on the board of a new project called the Unconditional Freedom Project which works to restore “dignity to the cancelled members of society: marginalized, the cast out, the prison residents and the wild ones.” You can learn more about that effort here.
After OneTaste, I continued my study of the feminine with Perri Chase who is also a deep practitioner. It is with her, that I have made it “all the way through” as they say into the beginning of a life fully me - where I am an embodiment of these teachings - which is the difference between reading about a way and awakening it within.
Angel Grant supported me in healing lifetimes of wounding. She is a student of Gabor Maté and a deep wisdom healer.
Together they have supported me in profound transformation and I continue to allow more of me to open, shedding the layers of the “learned me” as I continuously relax into my true expression as woman.
The study of ancient practices is also important to me. I am at the beginning of a deep study of African ritual and ancient understandings of life through the legacies of Malidoma Patrice Somé and Sobunfu Somé. I believe ancient connections and study bring us back to our core - to a time before the layers of the mind, and into the possibility of alchemy creating a bridge from the old to the new. In it, there is always love, connection, community and understanding which creates a pathway Home - the true You.
I am deeply committed to an aligned relationship with my body, the messages of its knowing. Wholistic care is essential - including the emotional, physical and spiritual so that the mind can rest. Nourishing from the inside out. In service to that, I am a Bikram Yoga instructor. The body has power and ability to heal itself especially when well attended to and heard. I teach at Rise & Refine Hot Yoga on Friday mornings at 7:30 a.m. in Birmingham, Alabama. Join me if you can!
All of these, have supported me in being fully myself and in service to the energy that moves through me.