Powerful. Sacred. Witch.

I am recognizing Me. My deep, sacred power that doesn’t look like or conform to traditional ways – told and sold to manage conformity.

I have sight, magic, my voice is getting free. I am finding a deeper connection with my soul. The inside of me. Feeling and releasing deep grief and pain, so that even more life can move through. Coming into union with me, feeling my body again.

These feelings unacknowledged and unproduced knowingly in public because - well, they simply should not exist, certainly not safely - so the public say. The legacy of witches is not at all safe and the word itself causes me retraction. But the truth is these magical intuitions and powers are true. So a reclamation feels important. A stretching out beyond the “acceptable” boundaries essential in order to stretch into my full expression - and perhaps, just perhaps you too :) Because a continued retraction there is not what I came for, not what I want my life to be about. I’d prefer taking the risk to learn how to hold, rather than a continued retraction. And so, let’s look at what is really true….

I’m finding a deep spirituality in life. In her synchronicities and in the pain.

I’m feeling more connected to my ancestry living and dead

More connection with nature, alignment and the drum beat of the larger system.

Who I am as a woman. What I came here to be.

And as I do, more of me opens.

Unwinding the ideas that limit and say even if only energetically that there is a reason to filter, conform, be small, and so I begin to allow the deep, rich, knowing within me to blossom.

The truth of full expression is beauty.

This is an important turn.

As witches decorate the yards of many and ride in parades here in Birmingham, I understand what it means to be more, to say yes to the sacred witch, the sacred magical expression of Woman.

Look beyond the taboo and see what is actually true - the gentle, loving, powerful, soul-nurturing, life-giving, truth-telling, soft, nature-aligning, knowing, magical Woman within.

It is important to be the gift of all that you bring. To explore and know who is You.

Allow your beauty and magic to open.

This Halloween celebrate the powerful, sacred witch, sacred powerful Woman that is You.

For one-on-one coaching to open your sacred, powerful, magical Woman email me at jenny@jennylewiscoaching.com


Who is the magical, powerful, sacred witch within You.

Contemplate the beauty of the Woman you are already bringing

and what more is opening within you?

If you took all of the stops off - who would she be?

Write for 10 minutes and meditate for 10 minutes on YOU.


I recently started running again. I used to run a lot - running was a time when I could feel flow and the power of my body. I really loved it. I needed a break. To slow down and rest and because I did, I began to worry that I wasn’t strong enough, that I was too heavy, or that my knees wouldn’t like it - that I couldn’t do it again. All of these ideas of my mind were not at all what my body wanted. I heard her clearly as soon as I turned up the speed on the tread mill - I became blissful and my body alight. The fog of my mind came in to measure the time and speed and tell me to slow or stop, but it was too late - I knew these voices were simply not true. It is time to run again - bring on the joy of movement again!

A message from my garden

As autumn rolls in and the weather becomes cooler, there is a slowing down. It feels like a reflective time to harvest the events of the year. The leaves are turning to bright oranges, reds and browns. My bushes and trees are cut back.There is a feeling in the air of change coming. A cozier, settling in time.

A time to be together and appreciate what is right now together.

Events & Offerings

On November 18th, I will offer again, a guided reading of Sobonfu Some’s, Women’s Wisdom from the Heart of Africa.

This eight week course is a study in the depth of what it is to be a woman.

Sign up here: Sobonfu Study

On November 15th, there will be another Soul Song celebration - come and listen and paint the beauty of your soul - so that you NEVER forget!

Sign up here: What is YOUR Song?

On November 27th, I will be reading, creating and selling Duma’s Song at the Birmingham Museum of Art. Come out and celebrate Your Song along with me and other artists of the city. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Link coming soon!!

For questions or more information about one-on-one coaching and events, contact me here: