At the core of our being is the still quiet voice from which we are able to come into our fullest expression, where we are able to find and reclaim our power to speak, to create, to thrive.

Real change does not come from the outside in - it comes from the inside out.

Listening to this voice leads us home to our own awakening.

You are worth it.

You are a gift.

And, I invite you to come into the fullest expression of YOU.

There is a place in the soul that neither time, nor space, nor created thing can touch. - Meister Eckhart

My Service Offerings:

  • Storytelling is as ancient as time. It is a reminder of the power within us. It paves a way for communal ideas and possibility. It allows us to be in touch with our truest most magical selves.

  • Purchase My Children's Book: Duma's Song

    Dive into a world where every child’s unique expression is deeply appreciated.

    In ancient African tradition, It is believed that each person carries a unique expression that nourishes their community in magical ways beyond ordinary knowing.

  • Write Your Children's Book

    Provide time and space and support for the inner creativity within you. The stories that come to you are important to share. Join me for this very special group offering.

    Even if this is your first idea of a book or your 10th, come and join this sacred space of creation, and bring your ideas to life.

    February 19th - April 2, 2025

    5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

    6 Classes, 90 minutes each


Anchoring to a loving knowing of yourself allows a slow, care-filled alchemy to begin which transforms your deepest challenges into bridges home. - Jenny Lewis

Work with me 1:1 and Celebrate Yourself

  • Finding your inner voice connects you with your unique inner value and a deeper intelligence that is a foundation for joy and steadiness even in challenges.

  • The Gift of You for Kids

    The gift of time to reflect and explore the unique beauty of you through art, poetry and writing. 60 minutes of time. $40 for kids

  • The Gift of You for Adults

    The gift of time to reflect and explore the unique beauty of you through art, poetry and writing. 60 minutes of time. $80 for Adults

  • One-on-One Coaching

    Custom time to reflect. To slough off old ideas of yourself through ritual, art and self-reflective practices.

  • Beautiful Creation

    Create a book to acknowledge the beautiful creation that YOU ARE.

    From the time you were born until now you have been evolving into the beautiful creation that is YOU. Create a book of YOU. Take the time to awaken to your wonder and honor that with a book reminding you again and again.

    Custom cost. Email for details.

Women who honor themselves hold their power in ways that no one can take away. - Sobonfu Some

Group Offerings: Woman

  • Woman is ancient. The sacredness of what it means to be woman is essential to full realization. Regardless of the culture our magic is true.

  • True Woman

    This group study of what it means to be woman is life changing. Take time to remember what ancient women knew about what it meant to be woman and reclaim what it means to be woman today. It is reflective, reviving and reawakening. Join me February 1 - March 22, 2025.

  • True Woman Retreat

    Take time to slow down, revive and honor yourself. Through yoga, hiking, reflection, writing and art. This magical retreat will happen February 13 - 16th in North Carolina. Email me for details.

Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become. You are what you do, not what you say you'll do. - Carl Jung

Monthly Group Subscription Offering: FLOW

  • Coming into alignment with the self is a daily practice. This group offering provides teaching and practices twice per month on all things flow which include: money, relationships, self-worth, creativity, belief systems. Find your community here. Online teachings begin on Saturday, February 22, 2025

What is coming is better than what is gone. - Arab Proverb

✺ Testimonials ✺

I have learned that it’s okay for me to let my creative out. That it’s okay for me to share my story. That this is really hard work and that I can do it.

That I can do big things. I feel excited about what’s to come. I realize that this book idea can be a reality.I need more creativity and peacefulness in my life. The time to slow down and decompress has allowed me the space and permission to be creative.

It took me out of a box I unknowingly put myself in. I learned that the process I thought I needed to write and be creative wasn’t necessary. I went into this only really concerned about the technical ignoring the creative. This class helped me remember the love I have for writing and to focus on connecting to my story.

A safe place is created, and you grow with the other class of writers. All levels are supported along the way. Very positive atmosphere, even those with the tiniest voices begging to be written. I did not realize how shy I am about this process. I am fine on my own, challenging to allow others to be a part of this for me. I have more insight to deeper reasons for telling my story(ies).

I learned the depth of how much I sacrificed myself for the goal. Just trying to will it into existence at all costs without fully realizing what I actually wanted. Even when I made the sacrifices, I didn’t totally sell my soul. A death of what I should be and I’m slowly grieving that part and also seeing it’s not the end-all of who I am or what happiness or joy can be in life.

The knowledge Jenny has, the ability to guide and moderate, and hold space for each person, control the atmosphere is mastery. I had no idea the depth of experience before taking True Woman. I had never experienced anything like this before. The book is mind blowing. The questions asked are what I needed and I feel different. I have moved from free falling to a deep understanding and appreciation of myself. I would recommend this to anyone.